
Sunday, December 4, 2011

my expenses

okey.. i think i want to tell you all about my expenses from 1 DEC 2011 (elaun masuk :D) until 3 Dec 2011 supaya tidak mengelirukan mereka yg megenaliku~ :D

@ - duit di tangan
# - hutang
$ - bayar

1 Dec :-
@ - 130(elaun) + 70 (sisa bank)

Graphic card gebe
-rm 150
$ 100
# 50

Monster Beats by Dr. Dre
- rm65 (dpt kurang smpai rm50 :D)
$ 30
# 20 (bandik)

Total 1st day.
# 70
@ 200 - 100 - 30 = 70

2 Dec :-
@ 70
# 70

assignment akak
:- cite pasal place ngan pricing in marketing mix defination
+ rm70

total 2nd day.
# 70
@ 70 + 70 = 140

3 Dec :-
@ 140
# 70

Razer Moray
:- 120
$ 70 (Duit akak)
# 50 (duit jiji)

(dekat rumah)

ayah beli Beats (rm50)

total 3rd day
@140 - 70 = 70 +50= 120
# 70 + 50 = 120

(pemjelasan hutang.)
@ 120
# bandik = 20
# jiji = 50
120 - 20 - 50 = 50.
duit minyak =10
duit parking = 5
duit makan rewang2 = 5
total 50-10-5-5=30

@ 30
# 50 gebe

huhuhu... jd kpada gebe.. nnti gua bayar ek duit utang kau.. tak ckup lorh.. huhu..

ps:- @ duit ditangan bermaksud duit yg aku ade trmasuk duit dlm dompet ngan bank... sbab tu aku utang... huhu..

Friday, November 4, 2011


#WARNING :- bahan dlm ini mngkin ade bnda sensitive, saya harap anda smua akan sentiasa berfikiran terbuka dan remember, all the point is from my point of view.

After 4 months without even bother about blog ini, br hari ini tergerak ati nak tulis new entry.

This entry is about to all the discrimination that happen all around us and the limitation of the Freedom of Speech.From my point of view, in this country, there are many types of discrimination happens, but the most clear of discrimination are the racial issue.

seriously, what with all the racist thing didalm negara kita nie?
perlukah kita benci terhadap seseorang atas kerana beliau bkan sama kaum dgn kita?
haruskah kite megekalkan mind set kita kalau dia seorang cina,dia sorang yg pegotor sbab Makan B@&! ? india bau busuk becoz of thier religious customs?

Come On - LAH !

bgkit dr tido tu,buka mata sikit.kite skang dduk dlm 1 malaysia la.hidup mesti bersatu padu. takkan ngan community kita gaduh satu sama lain?

ramai antara korang will think, ape yg rasict sgt dlm ngara kite ni?
well, let me bring one person who i think you all will know about "him".


okey, bila ckp jer pasal dia nie mesti korang ckp..
bro, dia nie pengkhianat negara kau tau tak? pahal kau nak backup dia?

okey, aku tau dia nie mmg kurang ajar bab kutuk lagu negaraku.
lg? dia ade wat lg slah ke? (tak tau la ,aku tp yg famous psal negarakuku)
well, we put it aside because dia pun dah mntak maaf dan warga malaysia pun maafkan(sglintir).then, afew years after that, nasi lemak 2.0 ditayangkan di sluruh malaysia.
ramai megatakan supaya membehentikan tayangan filem itu kerana NAMEWEE telah megutuk lagu kbangsaan kite.sampai wat demo kat area kajang masa 30 oktober 2011 kat sblah balai polis kajang.ramai yg megunkit kembali ape yg namewee lakukan mase dlu dan mgutuk government atas pglulusan filem ini untk ditayang di sluruh negara.

okey, let me change ur Perspective, dlu negara kita dijajah oleh jepun kan? ramai orang tua kite tlah dibunuh, dirogol, dipancung , dibakar hidup2 dan lain2 perbuatan yg keji kan? okey , slpas merdeka, dan slpas ngara kite maju, ade tak antara org kite yg masih lg benci dgn mereka? takda kan? walhal kite puji atas kemajuan mereka yg mereka kecapi smpai skang...
jd, perlu kah kite still ngunkit2 benda yg lalu ape yg namewee lakukan. seperti memboikot hasil kerja die? klu nak boikot, nape tak boikot barang jepun sperti suzuki, honda, nikon dan barang2 kluaran jepun dimana mereka telah mlakukan sesuatu perkara yg lg terkutuk terhadap ngara kite?
jd bhenti lah menjdi seorang racist dan hidup dgn aman dan damai dikalangan komuniti kita...

haa... talk about living in haramony, sya cuma ingin meluahkan perasaan sya dimana beberapa hari lepas sya bru jer myaksikan beberapa masyarakat negara kita nie tidak bertimbang rasa.klu anda ingin meyaksikan sikap beberapa rakyat malaysia yg tidak brtimbang rasa, cuba naik ktm pada waktu 5-7 pm pada hari biasa, gerenti anda akan tau ape yg sya cba nyatakan.

okey, stiap pukul 5 > ptang, ramai orng balik keje dan mnaiki public transport right ? ramai orang tension slpas 1 hari suntuk berkerja dan ofcoz, ktm will be pack at this time of hour...

to all the KTM user.Please be polite. bkan korang jer yg tension 1 hari bkerja, orang lain pun tension jgk tp still bleh jer hormat org lain..kpda penumpang ktm, tau la korang dah dapat masuk dlm ktm tu, tak perlu lah menjerit kat org yg br nak nak ktm tu ckp"korang mmg buta ke hape? tak nmpak penuh nie?" come on la.. sopan santun la sikit.bkan orang malaysia jer yg naik ktm tu.. tourist also naik ktm tu.. takkan kite nak tnjuk inilah wajah ngara kita?.. biar la kita berhimpit2 ckit.. tk prlu maki hamun org... org tu pun paham.. klu dia cba msuk, tp tak bleh, mksud nye penuh la.. nie dorang tak masuk atau cuba masuk, korang dah jerit "penuh ,PEnuh, PENUH!" ...
silent is golden. biar mreka cuba. klu tak bleh, pndai2 la dorang kluar.. klu dorang pakse jgk wlaupun kau dah btul2 trhimpit, relax jer... klu tk tahan kluar jer, tggu train 1 lg.. ngada2.. org lain biase jer..kau yg tak tahan.. hehehe...

okey thats it for now.. pnjang jugak ek aku tlis... haha..
so remember, discrimination is not a good thing toward the country.. hidup aman dan damai dan hidup dlm komuniti 1 malaysia...

P/S :- thanks to @gebe92 for the perspective, it really change my point of view.. :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

Report Card... :D

ari nie br lpas ambik adik"kecygang"ku punya report card...
terkenang plak mase skola dlu2..

tp part yg bestnye tgk result adik"kecygang"ku...
hehe.. gerenti kena basuhnyer balik umah...
slpas ambik dan catch up ngan cikgu2 dlu... aku pun balik la ngan report card nie...

smpai jer rmah trus sorok report card tu dr fathullah...
dia ckp

"nape ta bg adik tgk?"
"ibu surh sorok...tggu smpai ibu balik..."
"alorh...nk tgk...adik tak tgk lg..."
"taleh2..nnti adik sorok.. :D"
"grr... >:("

hehe...tggu pnya tggu.. akhirnye ibu balik...

"hah, faiz, mane report card adik?"
"jap ibu...faiz ambik..."
"erk.... (muka seram)"
"nah ibu... nie report card adik.... :D"
"what??? ur get C for ur english??...after u watch all the movie..all the anime still got C for ur english???"
"hehe.... :D :D :D"
"dah..lpas nie takda main lappy lg dah...meh cnie lappy tu..."
"erk...mane leh...adik guna duit sndiri..."
"argh..tak kira... simpan jgk... (truskan mmbaca report card adik... :D)... Math fail??? ape nak jd nie adik?? prgi skola blajar ker tidak...??"
"aah ibu.... cikgu geographic dia ade ckp yg adik tak siap kerja khusus dia...pastu bla,bla,bla(api apikan... :D)"
"ish2...ape nk jadi nie adik hah? truk nye result?"
"erk... adik kan cuti.... tak smpat nak antar..."
"takda ibu... bkan kerja tu pun tak siap..cuba ibu tgk bku nota dia.. bnyak yg tak siap... :D"
"grrr.... (smbil mte pndang kpdaku..)"
"haish... takpe... nanti ayh balik sruh ayh tgk lak result nie..."
"ibu.. abg pun dah dpt 1 result dia... cbe ibu tnya... (nak knakan aku la nie ek..)"
"hah faiz....ape result yg dah dpt?"
"erk... database ibu...."
"hah, dapat ape?"
" D ibu...."
" hehehe.... D abg? :D"
"hah??....(snyap sketika).... D mksud dia?"
" Di,Di,Di,Di, Distinction.... :D"
"...(smbil snyum).."
"ceh... >:( "

hehehe....the best day of the week....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the code.

1- dont react randomly,think before u do faiz...if u dont,u will regret ur action..

2- dont 'in love' with a girl that work or study same as u. u will lose ur concentrate in ur purpose ur at thare.

3- dont put kueh tiow in the yong tau fu to the oven..u will ruins the taste of the kueh tiow when it became just a normal 'kueh'.

4- understand people feeling..then ur will know what to do..

5- stay quite, so that people will unnoticed u when there are work to be done because they dont know u.. :D

6- become people who work behind the scene,let them praise ur work but dont tell them who did it..

7- give any excuse when people try to ask something that lead to ur a down to earth man by giving an excuse when someone try to ask u..

8- dont judge people by its cover...but the 1st impression is importance then i hve to disagree, judge people by its cover when it ur 1st than u can change ur impression toward the people.

9- do whatever u want and enjoy with it..but dont over do it...know the right or wrong of the things that u do...

10- dont take an uncertain relationship seriously,take it seriously when someone tke it seriously and u in a married.

every day we are committed with something...
for example...

baby - u dont committed with no body.
kindergarden - u have committed with ur study for the 1st time.
skola rendah - u have committed to study and score for ur upsr.
skola mngah - u have committed to ur study and score for ur pmr and spm
working - u have committed with ur job.
collage - u have commiteed with ur study and bring back diploma.

couple or marriage is a different factor because not everyone will get in we will diveded with the other group...

couple - u are committing in an uncertain relationship that will 'maybe' lead a marriage

marriage - u have committed with ur wife forever.
kids - u have committed a full responsibility toward ur kids.

so all in this section u have to add up with ur regular factor so that u can see the commitment u have to do all of ur live...

so have fun... dont eager in something.... and never give up because u have all the time u want...

(ape aku merapu pun ta tau la...but who care...nme pun from my point of view...this is my point of view....:P)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is for u..

but i don't like u...


you always make me shy in front of my friend...

every time we going out together, you always make me mad with you attitude.

when we go somewhere,you always make me don't believe you that you don't love anymore...

I love you MUCH~~


when 1st time we meet, i know you are 1st love...

when 1st time we go out together, i can see that we will be together for a long time...

we always make fun of other when we going out together...

but know..

i feel something wrong between us when you do 'that' thing to my sister..

At 1st, i don't believe it because i always trust you that you wont break my heart..

but after you do that thing to me I'm lost confident with you..

at 1st i think you accidentally do that to me..

but after you do that thing to me when we going to the Ahmad Najmi birthday, i was lost hope with you...


i put your fate to my father hand...

if he still like you,.,..
maybe we can see each other next time....
but....if he dont like you...

i just want to say that i sorry because i cant see you when we going to leave me...

thank you because you make my life a meaningfull...



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Miss u...XD

talking to the moon
-bruno mars

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
Am G
I want you back
I want you back

My neighbors think I'm crazy
But they don't understand
Am G
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
Dm G
I sit by myself
F G Am
Talking to the Moon
F G Am
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Am G Am
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Am G
Talking to the moon


(yes i know this entry are kind of "jiwang" but seriously,this song are the best went i missing somebody...)
((p/s:i dont have a guitar yet,the lyric with guitar just for those who know to play guitar.... ~UrHum*badok*uHrm~)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Facts About Teenager Now days...

before is start the thread, i would like to all of you to see this picture....

yes, i admit that i not a photographer but i have a overprice camera.
haha..but actually aku beli camera nie D3100 tu sebab saje jer nak pakai DSLR.bukan kerana aku nak jadi protographer or anything.just try a new gadget..hehe...

furthermore, aku beli camera dslr nie sebab nak tngkap gambar yg cantik untuk wat kenangan..bukan nak tgkp gambar yg leh wat korang opened mind punye gambar...
cuma kenangan yg tak ternilai...

then, dah la guna camera dslr,pastu edit lak guna photoshop..
for me, i dont think thats a right way to treat a nice photo ...
huhu...(actually im jlez bcoz i dont know edit phot)

For me,i prefer photo from old camera or low quality camera coz it give an antic look and old pic look like...

taking picture using 2 mega pixel phone.

Using Blackbrid Fly camera..

ok im confess,at 1st went i brought the dslr i would like to become a photographer.but in the end,i just like to take picture and me it a memory for me...
and yes,i not a photographer,i just have a overprice camera....
thank you...


Friday, January 14, 2011

Miss U.

tak tau nak ckp ape tp sjak kblakangan nie tetiba lak trindu2 kat si die...
tiap kali windu ngan die jer mesti tgk gambar die kat dlam enset...
tp klu dapat jumpe lg ngan die dah kite ok dah aku rase....
susah kowt nak express feeling ape yg terse nie...
tp dlm perjalanan pulang ke rumah td dr kolej, akhirnye hatiku telah 'dicuri'(bkan 'dimiliki'..XD)oleh si dia yg menarik dan menawan...

tak lain dan tak bkan...

Proton Inspira

pergh....mase tu 1 time tgk kete nie kat jalan time tu tgh takleh la express feeling lbih-lbih kang accident lak..
haha....petang td mase sedara aku ambik aku,akhir jmpe jgk kete nie lalu kat jalan..
hilang rindu aku kat si dia lepas tgk kete nie 2 kali dlam mase 1 ari...
bgge ziller...

tak kesah la korang ckp "ape function proton inspira..dah la peniru lancer."
argh..saddap u...
kete nie mmg berbeza ngan evo mitsu tu bg aku..
bila aku tgk kete mitsu lancer,aku rase....tah la..mcm biase jer...nothing man...
tp bila tgk kete inspira...
cant describe by word!
yela...mmg kete 2 tukar lambang jer tp wah...
rase national proud aku naik giler...
akhirnyer kuar jgk kete proton yg nampak sportive ckit..
sblum nie korang ckp satria neo kete sportvie... are wrong...
now...proton inspira is the most sportive(in proton family) car...

kete nie jela yg leh ilangkan windu aku kat si dia...
tiap kali tgk kete nie jer aku rase mcm (man,your are one lucky guy)
sebab aku tau...walaupun kete nie cantik...
tp susah kowt nak dapat..
same mcm die..
tp ape kan daya..
dah die yg begitu.....ape leh wat kan..
tp asalkan die gembira...
by the way...
i love u iNspirA!

hehe...thank you...